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NOTE: As of the last sim, this league was under the minimum 20% capacity. Invite your friends to join MyFootballNow to keep this league alive! Then send them to this league to become the owner of a team! The league will expire at 12/09/2024 8:00 pm.

League Forums

Main - General MFN Discussion

Dear VillagerChris

By RedNU
7/12/2021 2:36 am
Thank you for your note today reading:

"you're seriously going to allow this kind of bullshit in your league? Both of these ***** fucks talking this ****? All i've done is bring up something I think is an issue and i have to be insulted like this and you do nothing? Being told that because i have 8 months in the game i should basically shut up and let the 4 year vet tell me whats good?? being told someone pissed in my cheerios and that I'm looking to rip people off???

*** is wrong is with you?? this has been up for 2 days.

Don't even bother, you're obviously a total scumbag. I did nothing but spend 3 seasons getting this team out of the shitshow that it was.

and if you didn;t get it already, **** you"

Normally I would respond in private, but since you immediately blocked me after sending this classy bit of literature, this is the only place I have to reply. So, to quote Pulp Fiction, allow me to retort...

1. There are no posts, in any league forum, attacking you that I can see. Maybe there's something hiding as a response within another thread that I overlooked, but it doesn't appear so since most recent league threads are draft trades with no follow-up posts within them. If there is something going on in private messaging (perhaps messages you sent with tones similar to the one displayed above?), I have no access to what gets said in private. I also have no access to logs from the league chat window, so if it clears itself, I do not get to see the dialogue that went on. Perhaps this is where the conversations you reference took place? If it is, then you would also have been able to notice that I wasn't there for most of the draft. I had no picks in Rounds 2 and 4...I didn't have a chance to log in for Rounds 5-7 and they were auto-drawn based on my pre-draft settings.

2. The above message is the only one you sent me in your 3 years in the league and it appears in its entirety for all to see. So if you were having trouble with people in the league, you made no effort to raise awareness of it or communicate it with me outside of this flame blast. Even from the above description I do not know 1. what exactly was said or 2. who said it. Whatever was "up for 2 days" didn't rise to the level of you sending me a private message out of concern, though clearly you know how to do so.

3. I specifically invited you, after you raised the trade meter issue that evidently triggered you/this all, to make a post in the general league forum so the concern could be seen and discussed by the 29 other team owners in the league. You made no such post to even make the league aware of your general concerns. You did, however, in very my-way-or-the-highway fashion, announce in chat that you were going to drop the team immediately after the draft. You have now done so. Thank you for being true to your word.

4. You had been in the league for 3 seasons, that is correct. It took you until your fourth to realize the trade meter was on, a setting that had been constant since well before I took over the admin's role in the league some 10+ seasons prior, and to which you were the first to vocalize an issue with in that time. Upon finally noticed, you immediately accused "someone" of changing the league settings unannounced.

5. Perhaps, in addition to missing that the trade meter was on in the league, you also missed the rather prominent sticky post announcement made shortly after this past mid-season (The one subtly titled "Help Wanted") in which I alerted the league that, due to life issues outside of my control, I was going to have less time to devote to the game, was dropping my teams as their seasons rolled, and was actively seeking someone to take over as league admin, offering to transfer if possible the 111 site credits I have to whomever wanted to tag in for me. Had you really wanted the trade meter off, this would have been your golden opportunity for doing so. I heard nothing.

6. Thank you for asking *** is wrong with me. While I suspect the inquiry is rhetorical, I will answer anyhow. As I explained in the league...the department I work for is in competition with another of us gets cut for "budget reasons," the other does not. This means that time I used to have for this game is instead being devoted for making arguments with administrative and corporate types that I really shouldn't have to for why my department deserves to survive. That I am having to do so while simultaneously knowing that I am indirectly arguing that people I have worked alongside for 7+ years and consider both friends and valued, trusted co-workers should not have their jobs absolutely sucks. Concurrent with this, I am also having to plan for the possibility of moving from Hawai'i back to the mainland and undertaking a whirlwind job search in the event my department is the one to receive the ax. If you've never tried moving to/from Hawai'i, here's a spoiler is a tad more complicated than just loading things up in the back of a van and driving to a new location. Ditto for locating a new house to rent/buy. This explains why, on average, I consider it lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep on any given night these days. So, there you go, that's *** is wrong with me. If you'd like to be part of the solution, I prefer tequila.

7. The team that you spent 3 seasons getting "out of the shitshow that it was" went 8-40 under your leadership. The 3 years prior to your arrival it was 12-45-1 under 2 different owners and AI. I love a good martyr complex as much as the next guy, but lets be historically accurate with our portrayal of what was accomplished.

Bless your heart.

Re: Dear VillagerChris

By TheAdmiral
7/12/2021 11:07 am
Now, where did I leave the popcorn....;o)

Re: Dear VillagerChris

By jackals
7/12/2021 12:34 pm
RedNU wrote:
Bless your heart.

This is actually the most brutal part of the wall of text.

Re: Dear VillagerChris

By WarEagle
7/12/2021 4:30 pm
I think I do a pretty decent job of reading the forums, and I have absolutely no idea what this is all about.

Great response by RedNu.

Re: Dear VillagerChris

By WarEagle
7/12/2021 4:44 pm
WarEagle wrote:
I think I do a pretty decent job of reading the forums, and I have absolutely no idea what this is all about.

Great response by RedNu.

Duh, this is in the general forums, not from a league I am in. No wonder I'm clueless about it.

Re: Dear VillagerChris

By Legendruthless
7/12/2021 5:04 pm
I can be friends with this guy

Re: Dear VillagerChris

By vcr5150
7/13/2021 11:55 am
The only place RedNU is out of line is his stated preference for tequila.

Sorry real life is giving you a kick to the groin. No doubt you will survive, persevere and conquer.