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Re: Analytic Game Planning: Defending the Hitch (and maybe other plays)

By CrazySexyBeast
12/15/2020 10:14 pm
setherick wrote:
CrazySexyBeast wrote:
and based on your last response, I guess i should play 90 speed LBs with 10 brc,m2m, and Z. 5 punish? 1 rdef and tackle?
seriously.... if nothing matters other than speed, then prove it.
Get to the player needed.
Sorry tobe adamant, but we bothknow more than speed alone matters.

Tell that to IoT and Smirt. I've seen them both destroy leagues with defenses that do nothing but run fast. I'm just not game enough to play the nothing but speed team. Which is why I don't win as many LCs as I should.

^This, sir setherick, is exactly what I expect to be shown. Hopefully it will provide another window to some of the issues regarding speed as MFN moves forward.
Lord knows I've busted out crappy skinny players with crazy spd/acc and PR (edit pass rush) specifically for nickle and 1/4 CB man blitzes...
Glad you are in the league.
Let's discover.
It's gonna be a tough nugget for JDB to crack, and there will be lots of ideas (and rants lol) along the way.
Last edited at 12/15/2020 10:15 pm

Re: Analytic Game Planning: Defending the Hitch (and maybe other plays)

By CrazySexyBeast
12/15/2020 10:20 pm
setherick wrote:

If you can find some correlation for attributes other than speed, great. I can't.

I'd like to have a quiet convo about punish and courage.
To edit: we can not and should not dismiss the absolute importance of over rides. Right player, right time. Which, we'd all agree, are the key to abusing a broken play in the first place.
Last edited at 12/15/2020 10:26 pm

Re: Analytic Game Planning: Defending the Hitch (and maybe other plays)

By Infinity on Trial
12/17/2020 10:19 am
CSB, it's clear you don't want to find out if you can compete with experienced GMs.

I took over a team that was ruined by AI and put it in position to win. I criticized your willingness to fleece a nube by unloading a 12-year veteran for a pair of 3s. That's the extent of my negativity.

It's a shame you don't want real competition.

For transparency, this is the message you sent when you booted me from your league, which now features 15 open teams:

CrazySexyBeast wrote:

infinity, i'm bootingyou.
1. Your team has been gutted.
2. You continue to pick fights, belittle other players, and attempt to create disruption and malcontent within the league.

It is unfortunate you've come to think so highly of yourself, that you are so right, that the end result is your thinking is locked into negativity and narcissm.
I will not tolerate your continual attacks upon myself, not your continued attempts to tear apart this league with your toxicity.

Goodbye, we don't need your garbage, nor the garbage team you created after gutting, or the cap issue that TB will have or the next few seasons.

I know I pissed you off because I dared to say there are other ways to win than YOURS, many of us in this league know you are here on a vendetta and not in the spirit of competition.

The problem is not me; it is you and your caustic behavior.
We do not need your abusive behaviors.
Have a day.

1. I left the team in much better shape than it was in before I got there.
2. I didn't pick a fight with anybody. If you can't handle someone questioning your lopsided trade, you have some serious sensitivity issues.

I don't have a high opinion of myself. I have a low opinion of you.
Last edited at 12/17/2020 10:22 am

Re: Analytic Game Planning: Defending the Hitch (and maybe other plays)

By CrazySexyBeast
12/17/2020 8:54 pm
"My issue is exactly this:
In your efforts to degrade me as a player, you have absolutely trashed every single other GM in the league.
If any one of us is the reason you joined, and the rest of us are not even in your consideration of competition...
Then your intentions are indeed harmful to the well being of the league.
As a result of your intentions, you were removed.
Ping your subscribed because you wanted me to answer.
I dare you to resist in any effort to prove otherwise.

When you joined, i was not the only one that was aware you came with 1 purpose: to shut me up.
I however, eagerly and openly welcomed the concept of seeing the arguments you were dictating within community forums (FL hitch post for the popcorn eaters).
...and also throwing my best against your efforts to prove a broken game. An effort that only results in less players, in all endeavors.
Big picture with probabilities vs hyper micro picture defined in absolutes. Absolute fun with numbers for a nerd like me.
Some of us love the math more than the drama. The challenge more than the purpose. You are not one of them.

I had apparently wild fantasies of open discussions and effecting to toss some new ideas into hardened notions.
You, however... Only came with an intent of harm. You were not open. You were so self contained, you not so sublety stated every. Single. GM. in this league. IS GARBAGE.
Then you decided to start attacking GMs - myself obviously - in public.
Slander is a legal violation.

Your efforts caused you to be the first person in 30 years of online gaming that I willfully removed from anything I had any iota of control over. I work on a global level, bro. Congratulations on being that self righteous.

I will not tolerate other players in this league being held as no talented, uninterested, unintelligent, lacking and unworthy owners in MFN in any way, shape or form.
It's not that you attacked me, you attacked the entire league n doing so.
My fellow GMs, the real admins of this league, do not have to be subjugated in such ways.
if you came here for me, and you think I **** so much, then what is left for them?
Nothing nice, that is the heart of the matter. Your words regarding me speak still less of my fellows.
You are cast out, your aggressions are unwarranted and unwanted.

My actions from from stopping your little tornado of hate, you hurricane of self contempt; the purposeful downward spiral of absolute negativity; from decimating an incredible league with really amazing people that I am so very honored to have been choose to administrate.
For this very reason.

It is entirely your issue that counter offers - several of them - were an offense to your initial opening negotiation of a "future six."
Which included a player of **** use, would be cut, and had a multiple year contract (messing with my cap for 2 years).
it was right of me to offer you multiple counter offers.
It would have been right of you to stand by your initial offer.
It would have been right for the negotiation to end either positively or without fruition from that point.
It would have been right for you to be amicable and to keep such negotiations in private.
No one in this league before has had any issue with any trade ive been involved with.
Until you and your absolute self righteousness and therefore induced negative thinking.

You want to see the negative, you go right ahead and do it without including the players in this league.
What you need to do to self-validate, is post every screen image of that process. I'm happy to, those counter offers were an average of +100 trade points in your favor.
Better offers with extra picks for you in some cases.
Not my fault the trade values ****.

It is not right for you to send PMs and trash the process of negotiation, the quality of my play, the insistence that all the other GMs are below your exceeded images of self grandiosity as a direct result of your perception I am so **** wonderful, and throw napalm into a league that has had multiple years of harmony.
Much less to continue your selfish aggressions in the league forums.
How childish. How purposefully damaging. How self-centered.
how gone are you?

I was asked to take over this league; and approved by majority vote.
This is NOT my league, but ours. Certainly not mine.
I will do whatever it takes, and willingly take whatever other public retribution you seek, to protect what has been - and what will now continue to be and enjoyable user experience.

Certainly no longer yours. Appropriate as you never wanted a positive experience in this league to begin with.

We have civility, integrity, and social respect. We have worked hard in this league to maintain such standards. It is unfortunate you choose to be beligerant instead of diligent. To be defiant, instead of reliant.

You have anger issues and a refusal to believe there are any alternatives to what has become the limited confines of your horizons. Therefore anything other than what you believe to be correct is wrong. Furthermore, you attack those you believe to be incorrect.
Your faith in all but your own intellect is severely lacking.

I just cannot have that type of personality, especially one that attacks others as a duplicity defect of character, to continue in this league.
Later, Hater.

For those eating Caramel popcorn - the above is what I Pm'd to Infinity, and what was posted within our league forums.
I have nothing to hide, and some people are obviously predictable.
People looking to be offended will be offended.
Well beyond my control, but well within predictions.

Y'all stay safe out there.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one.
...sometimes, the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.

This is clearly not the latter case.
Wiping Klingons of the starboard bow, Jim!

One of us is done. Place bets now.

Re: Analytic Game Planning: Defending the Hitch (and maybe other plays)

By Infinity on Trial
12/17/2020 9:09 pm
Not going to respond to every lie in a long list of lies, or a bunch of gibberish I don't understand. I joined the league to win, built a contender, and was booted because CSB doesn't want competition in his half-filled league. End of story.

Re: Analytic Game Planning: Defending the Hitch (and maybe other plays)

By WarEagle
12/31/2020 6:53 pm
Infinity on Trial wrote:
I criticized your willingness to fleece a nube by unloading a 12-year veteran for a pair of 3s.

This assumes a pair of 3rd round picks have more value than a 12 year vet, which is a stretch.

I just had a 3rd round pick go -23 in TC.
I'd rather have traded for a 12 year vet that I can actually use, not to mention I now have to eat the signing bonus for this player whose only value is in practicing how to cut a player.

Re: Analytic Game Planning: Defending the Hitch (and maybe other plays)

By CrazySexyBeast
1/29/2021 7:31 pm
I'd like to bring this thread back into focus.
Setherick does great work, puts in a lot of time, and incredibly disrespectful for this thread to have been polluted in disgusting ways.
I do apologize to the community for my part in such negative derision.

Setherick last stated:
CrazySexyBeast wrote:

If you can find some correlation for attributes other than speed, great. I can't.

I'd like to say , to quote setherick's weights threads:
Speed Kills.
I'd like to include: To a certain threshold.
The hitch success rate is incredibly high in yardage when completed. However, as stated in the OP, it depends on the WR winning BRC vs BRA at the "hitch" towards the post.
It is why I disagree that speed is the be all, end all of player weights.
In this play; a high spd wr definitely helps.
In that it gives the breakaway IF the "hitch" move is a success via brc vs bra.
ACC helps the wr get separation for 2-3 (edit: yards) after the bump, and speed puts yardage.
Courage helps the catch, and punish helps the safetys in the knock down roll (also a problem address in other places).

Admittedly, just trying to get this great thread back on topic.
Doing so knowing full well many others have very important pieces to the "puzzle" for both newcomers and geezers alike. :)
Thanks for the work, senor setherick.

And now back to our scheduled programming :)
Stay awesome.

Last edited at 1/29/2021 7:33 pm