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Re: Does it matter

By Booger926
8/25/2017 9:12 pm
Ok, I am so tired of the "Colin Kaepernick" topic that I have attempted to show WHY the idiot isn't playing for a NFL team.
Hate me if you must but at least think about what I have to say

First, allow me to express my opinion without replies. You can reply after

Kaepernick decided, after a year of below mediocrity, decided to "Bring Attention" directly to himself by kneeling during the National Anthem. Ok, I do not appreciate it, nor do I approve of it, but I respect it as his right to protest as a guaranteed RIGHT under the US Constitution.

Kaepernick got what he wanted. He brought attention and the spotlight to him.

If he was released because of his stand, then he could claim Racism in a business that has a 78% Black Employee Populace.

And let's remember that Kaepernick WALKED away from an option year of his contract to pursue nonexistent contract offers. He walked away from a guaranteed money contract. He demanded that he be THE STARTING QB to any team he went to while putting up below second string numbers and stats.

Kaepernick, after finding out that as a commodity, he wasn't worth the price he believed he wasn't entitled to, he decided to change his stance. He stated that for the 2017 season, that due to increased awareness, he would no longer kneel during the National Anthem. Guess his pocketbook was more important than his conscience or stance.

OK, one question.....Other than not being employed, WHAT HAS CHANGED IN ONE YEAR IN WHICH TO CHANGE YOUR OPINION? Are Black People no longer being harassed by police? Are there fewer Blacks being put in jails......Please inform me Mr Kaepernick as to what I may have missed.

But Kaepernick cannot do that. It is apparent that Kaepernick is a worthless ***** who chases the $Money$. He should be on Hollywood and Vine promoting his gay a$$

Now, according to, The owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars, Shad Khan says he would be open to signing free-agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick and releasing QB Blake Bortles.


I have often said that there was a reason Johnny Manziel wasn't playing and I would like to present the facts as compared to Kaepernick why he isn't.

The difference is as obvious as Black and White, but I will not go any further on that

Now as an owner and according to the stats presented, which QB would you start?
Last edited at 8/26/2017 6:46 am

Re: Does it matter

By WarEagle
8/25/2017 9:33 pm
Booger926 wrote:
... his right to protest as guaranteed RIGHT under the US Constitution.

If he was released because of his stand, then he could claim ...

Every American does have the right to free speech.

This means that (with very rare exceptions) you can speak your mind without fear of the government taking any action against you.

It DOES NOT mean you can say whatever you want without having to endure any consequences.

If the 49ers (or any team) said they did not want him because he wouldn't stand for the anthem, it does NOT mean they are racist.

As you pointed out, there are football reasons to not want him, and non-football reasons to not want him, and neither means the team/fan is racist.

Someone could be racist and want him on their team.

Despite what the media tries to tell us, not everything is related to (or because of) race.
Last edited at 8/25/2017 9:34 pm

Re: Does it matter

8/25/2017 10:22 pm

I just hope to FOOK my Conor beats the seven kinds of shite out of that jail bird whoring ***** !

Soz for the rancid attempt of language.


Re: Does it matter

By CoachDumphool123
7/21/2018 7:32 am
as an American citizen everyone has the right or should to protest and use a right to free speech. That's true for every fan in the stands and every viewer watching on TV.

But on the field these athletes are employees. Their bosses have the right to set reasonable work rules concerning their conduct on the field during the time they are an employee.

Off the field on their own time they can do what they want. But if their employer is saying this is a condition of working for this organization and it's reasonable then they need to act in a respectful manner.

Of course they could take that rule 2 Court and dispute whether or not that's a reasonable working condition. But it's likely team lawyers will win and have that thrown out Simply because is this behavior is displeasing to the team's fanbase it could significantly injure the team financially.

A game is a game but in the end this game is about money and it's a business.

Re: Does it matter

By CooterBrown
7/22/2018 2:25 am
Ok, I probably shouldn't, but gonna toss in my two cents.

Yes, as an American, you have that right. Wholeheartedly so. ****, in today's wacky world, it appears you have that right and a whole slew of others even if you are NOT a citizen of this country. Try that little 1st amendment right in some 3rd world "s**tholes" and then send me a postcard from whatever rock or grave they put you under,would ya? Sorry, not trying to rant here, but seriously, let's call a s***e a s***e folks.
Now as far as Johnny Football, sorry. No! Just NO! ****, I am an Aggie. Born and bred. Totally loved Manziel and what he accomplished at A&M. Does it make him a 1st rounder? Does it make him a NFL professional QB? NO! I said it once, I said it a thousand times. Johnny Football is probably the most luckiest s.o.b. I have ever laid eyes on on a football field. Bar none! Great talent. Outrageous skills. But lucky like he was sleeping with Jesus. And that only gets you so far. Besides, Johnny can't figure his worst enemy was Johnny. That and his **** cell phone/twitter account.
But now Kaepernick, sorry. NO! Never hear it said but I have been saying it for years and years and years. The guy can't READ DEFENSES! Watch him. Study film. See how a solid defense and conservitive play calling and read option willy nilly hides alot of deficiency. But folks, in the NFL, that don't last for long. I could say the same about Russell Wilson and a few others. And please,please don't call me the "r"word. It's lame. It's tiresome. I could toss in the name Joe Flacco if that makes you feel better?
But yeah, should Kaepernick be on an NFL squad? Maybe. Don't know. A starter, ummmm NO. 2nd string, 3rd string , cheap salary...maybe. But as an owner trying to put butts in the seats and in front of TV sets on Sunday and sell advertising , and win football games, naaawwww, I'll pass. I will leave the circus acts to clowns like Jerry Jones.
As another example, don't remember the name, but the openly gay DE outta Missouri. Hey great player. All SEC. Good numbers. Good on paper. But really? Limited skills. Smallish in the NFL. Just didn't have "it" that makes a Pro football player. Not trying to hate on the guy. Good player. But don't give a rat's **** about his sexual proclivities. And his proclaimed proclivities does not mean he has the talents or the tangible to make it in the NFL. And waving it around in the public's face, just like kneeling during the anthem, is gonna turn off TVs. Sorry, it is what it is. Sure, you have the right. I am all for it. But folks buying tickets and watching tampex commercials to see a football game, they got rights too. The same right to turn on Netflix because they don't wanna see some backup kneeling to the S.S.B..
Again, I apologize if the opinion offends. But, it is about the Freedom of Speech,right? Or just the certain kind of politically correct progressive speech of that particular agenda of that correct moment? I get confused?
Last edited at 7/22/2018 2:36 am

Re: Does it matter

By CooterBrown
7/22/2018 2:34 am
Hey, ya'll pay me 3 or 4 or 5 million to put on a jersey and hold a clipboard to live the dream of being honored to be in The Greatest Game on this planet. I will come out with the flag raised on a flagpole stuck down in my jockstrap every Sunday and fart the Star Spangled Banner note for note with a smile on my face, a tear on my cheek, and my hand proudly across my heart! Where do I sign up,Coach?