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Stop the shootings!

By raidergreg69
8/04/2019 2:12 pm
I know there are some MFNers in Dayton, OH like me, hope you and yours are OK, same to those near El Paso.

Gun control is NOT the answer, better mental health is. The dead shooter in Dayton once wrote a hit list on his high school bathroom wall, now 6 years later he kills 9 people, including his sister. This crazy MF wasn't going to obey a gun law, so our Governor needs to STFU and quit pandering to the anti gun crowd. If we have stricter gun laws, it will be like Chicago where only criminals have guns.

*I don't own a gun, never have and probably never will. I do support conceal and carry laws as I believe the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.*

IMO we need to put the money into mental health. The common denominator among the shooters is they just aren't right in the head.

If this post turns into a gun debate, I'm out. It's just my opinion, which isn't going to change no matter what anyone types, so let's just say a prayer, have a good thought, remember the victims and play some football.

Re: Stop the shootings!

By punisher
8/04/2019 2:49 pm
raidergreg69 wrote:

If we have stricter gun laws, it will be like Chicago where only criminals have guns.

I think you dont need stricter gun laws i think you need to ENFORCE the LAWS that are already on the BOOKS then maybe you dont need any new gun laws.

just my 2 cents though i probably will get BLASTED for it

Re: Stop the shootings!

By Beercloud
8/04/2019 5:59 pm
Gun control is NOT the answer, better mental health is

This exactly.
We always seem quick to stop things instead of help things. It's time to help things.

Re: Stop the shootings!

By Lamba
8/05/2019 9:24 am
Beercloud wrote:
Gun control is NOT the answer, better mental health is

This exactly.
We always seem quick to stop things instead of help things. It's time to help things.

Tbh, both things could help.

I completely agree with the help before banish, but your gun culture over there is extreme and it's a wonder no more people are getting hurt.

We have stricter laws about weapons here in Denmark and while you're allowed to have quite a wide range of weaponry, you need to register and take something similar to a driver's licence to legally own the arms. Then you can also only have and use them for specific purposes.

A wild guesstimate, is that 90-95% of all (legal) weapons in Denmark are hunting rifles.

Re: Stop the shootings!

By ColonelFailure
8/06/2019 8:56 am
From the perspective of someone in the UK it's jolly hard to shoot anyone if you don't have a gun, regardless of your mental health.

Re: Stop the shootings!

By Big Poppa
8/06/2019 12:47 pm

Re: Stop the shootings!

By TarquinTheDark
8/06/2019 1:05 pm
"This is bowling, THERE ARE RULES!"
Last edited at 8/06/2019 1:18 pm

Re: Stop the shootings!

By CoachSimpson
8/07/2019 7:09 am
From a European perspective. People still shoot eachother but very rarely any mass killings.

Still, lots can be done in US and Europe about mental care.

Re: Stop the shootings!

By CrazySexyBeast
8/17/2019 8:54 pm
We can do this! #frommcolddeadhands But... Jiminey.
Do not ever use the word control.
That's the exact problem with moving any effort of changing what we have become.
Use REGULATIONS. We already accept those, many are already in place, etc. Control? Like **** you will control me! Got it?
Change the term, change the dialogue, change the situation. I will never give up my guns, but i'll be damned if I will continue to allow terrorism for the sake of some self-righteous, self important, self centered refusal to participate in a solution.
Let's talk liability insurance ON THE WEAPON. Anyone who fires it, the weapon, not the person, is covered. You steal my gun and kill someone? Well, my gun's liability coverage will at least help or pay the victim's expenses. Tier that sh*t, just like cars. You want a ferrari (ak/ar/M)? Then pay ferrari insurance. You want a single bolt action rifle? Pay Ford Focus insurance. It's very simple, completely constitutional, and in play for everything BUT weapons in the US. Covering the weapon vs the person allows the victim to be compensated regardless of who pulls the trigger.

Anyone who thinks guns will be confiscated, perhaps inform them of what that would actually cost. Anyone "I need it vs the gov't?" Yeah, right. Drone got your ***. Curving bullets, EMP. Satellite removal of your phone - turning it into a gov't beacon. Just tell those idiots to wake the fruck up. No chance vs highly trained and equipped person, much less the tech. Then tell them their refusal violates your 1st.
EDIT: It is important to note, there are many difficult situations - especially in the US - that are made impossible through party propaganda which manipulates the weak minded to respond with fear, and prevents dialogue. I have been very encouraged out in the fields (border bonus for the disabled! whooo {sarcasm but i do like the $, shouldn't have to do it for doctor visist - a whole 'nother discussion)}, in the "roots" of Americana, from the far left to the far right, there is much willingness to meet in the middle, and many valuable, and informational discussions have happened. US citizens are not as separated as the 2 arty system has made us seem to be, or as we choose to believe in based on biased algorithms which funnel our interests to a microscope focus. We are not as far apart as those in office have manipulated us.
We can do this. Always, in the US' past, it is we, the people, who fixed the mess. Never a politic. NEVER.
We are not loud enough, we are not actionable enough.
Last edited at 8/17/2019 9:16 pm

Re: Stop the shootings!

By CrazySexyBeast
8/17/2019 9:20 pm
...and no one needs to point out criminals will get them anyway. How about I just say that when your kid gets molested? Meh, sorry that happened to your kid, but... you know, molesters are molesters. No point in making a law, right? That argument is the propaganda. That argument, nullifies ever single law in the world. So shut up. Don't be stupid.
I hope I touched some nerves. Let's discuss.