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Main - General MFN Discussion

Re: Trade Wieght Again

By jsid
11/21/2015 1:31 pm
dmcc1 wrote:

That would be too open to abuse and give those so inclined a reason to try and open multiple accounts.

I disagree. It's REALLY easy to manipulate the trade bars right now anyway. Right now it seems that it's mostly preventing good trades, but bad trades can still go through my messing around with player weights.

Re: Trade Wieght Again

By dmcc1
11/21/2015 1:35 pm
What do you disagree with. Do you not think that a system where all trades go through if enough people vote yes is open to abuse with multiple accounts and/or groups of friends rigging the vote?

Re: Trade Wieght Again

By Morbid
11/21/2015 1:58 pm
I was just thinking about this and dont even know if it has even been thought of or talked about.

What would happen if an owner has 2 accounts and he uses one at work and one at home and he just changes a players position so the player becomes less valuable to make an easier trade? I honestly have never looked into players personal skills that deep to see if this has already been done or not. This could be one of the easiest way to manipulate the trade meter.
Last edited at 11/21/2015 2:00 pm

Re: Trade Wieght Again

By Beercloud
11/21/2015 2:10 pm
Here an NFL Draft Pick Chart if this helps

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7
1 3,000 33 580 65 265 97 112 129 43 161 27 193 14.2
2 2,600 34 560 66 260 98 108 130 42 162 26.6 194 13.8
3 2,200 35 550 67 255 99 104 131 41 163 26.2 195 13.4
4 1,800 36 540 68 250 100 100 132 40 164 25.8 196 13
5 1,700 37 530 69 245 101 96 133 39.5 165 25.4 197 12.6
6 1,600 38 520 70 240 102 92 134 39 166 25 198 12.2
7 1,500 39 510 71 235 103 88 135 38.5 167 24.6 199 11.8
8 1,400 40 500 72 230 104 86 136 38 168 24.2 200 11.4
9 1,350 41 490 73 225 105 84 137 37.5 169 23.8 201 11
10 1,300 42 480 74 220 106 82 138 37 170 23.4 202 10.6
11 1,250 43 470 75 215 107 80 139 36.5 171 23 203 10.2
12 1,200 44 460 76 210 108 78 140 36 172 22.6 204 9.8
13 1,150 45 450 77 205 109 76 141 35.5 173 22.2 205 9.4
14 1,100 46 440 78 200 110 74 142 35 174 21.8 206 9
15 1,050 47 430 79 195 111 72 143 34.5 175 21.4 207 8.6
16 1,000 48 420 80 190 112 70 144 34 176 21 208 8.2
17 950 49 410 81 185 113 68 145 33.5 177 20.6 209 7.8
18 900 50 400 82 180 114 66 146 33 178 20.2 210 7.4
19 875 51 390 83 175 115 64 147 32.6 179 19.8 211 7
20 850 52 380 84 170 116 62 148 32.2 180 19.4 212 6.6
21 800 53 370 85 165 117 60 149 31.8 181 19 213 6.2
22 780 54 360 86 160 118 58 150 31.4 182 18.6 214 5.8
23 760 55 350 87 155 119 56 151 31 183 18.2 215 5.4
24 740 56 340 88 150 120 54 152 30.6 184 17.8 216 5
25 720 57 330 89 145 121 52 153 30.2 185 17.4 217 4.6
26 700 58 320 90 140 122 50 154 29.8 186 17 218 4.2
27 680 59 310 91 136 123 49 155 29.4 187 16.6 219 3.8
28 660 60 300 92 132 124 48 156 29 188 16.2 220 3.4
29 640 61 292 93 128 125 47 157 28.6 189 15.8 221 3
30 620 62 284 94 124 126 46 158 28.2 190 15.4 222 2.6
31 600 63 276 95 120 127 45 159 27.8 191 15 223 2.3
32 590 64 270 96 116 128 44 160 27.4 192 14.6 224 2
Last edited at 11/21/2015 2:38 pm

Re: Trade Wieght Again

By WarEagle
11/21/2015 2:39 pm
The NFL draft value chart doesn't work for MFN because the players are valued too low in comparison to this chart.

In addition, the NFL doesn't reject trades that don't follow this chart.

Re: Trade Wieght Again

By DarkRogue
11/21/2015 5:36 pm
Morbid wrote:
I was just thinking about this and dont even know if it has even been thought of or talked about.

What would happen if an owner has 2 accounts and he uses one at work and one at home and he just changes a players position so the player becomes less valuable to make an easier trade? I honestly have never looked into players personal skills that deep to see if this has already been done or not. This could be one of the easiest way to manipulate the trade meter.

Don't even need to do that, **** if you're the one offering you can simply manipulate the player's overall rating by editing the player weights until you have that player in a range you like and offer the trade. Lets say you want some scrub player to show up to you as a 100 overall and he has say 100 pass rec courage, you can change your weights for that position to only count pass rec courage and the trade meter sees it as him being a 100 overall value to you.

Re: Trade Wieght Again

By DarkRogue
11/21/2015 5:42 pm
Case in point -
Under my normal weights that HB is rated a 61 max potential for me.

Re: Trade Wieght Again

By Chipped
11/21/2015 5:48 pm
Wouldn't the other person have to manipulate their weights too? Otherwise the trade would be too lopsided on the other person's bar.

Re: Trade Wieght Again

By DarkRogue
11/21/2015 5:50 pm
Chipped wrote:
Wouldn't the other person have to manipulate their weights too? Otherwise the trade would be too lopsided on the other person's bar.
Nope, regardless of how lopsided it is the person receiving the offer can accept it. I've had offers I thought were fair sent to me that showed all the way to the right or left and I've been able to accept them.

Re: Trade Wieght Again

By Morbid
11/21/2015 5:58 pm
DarkRogue wrote:
Morbid wrote:
I was just thinking about this and dont even know if it has even been thought of or talked about.

What would happen if an owner has 2 accounts and he uses one at work and one at home and he just changes a players position so the player becomes less valuable to make an easier trade? I honestly have never looked into players personal skills that deep to see if this has already been done or not. This could be one of the easiest way to manipulate the trade meter.

Don't even need to do that, **** if you're the one offering you can simply manipulate the player's overall rating by editing the player weights until you have that player in a range you like and offer the trade. Lets say you want some scrub player to show up to you as a 100 overall and he has say 100 pass rec courage, you can change your weights for that position to only count pass rec courage and the trade meter sees it as him being a 100 overall value to you.

Thats not what I meant. I meant in a way for it to slide by other owners. Everyone has different weights on players but if you change a HB to say WR he may lose 15-20 points in rating, once traded the owner can then switch him back to the HB position