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League Forums

Main - General MFN Discussion

Re: MFN is becoming not worth playing!

By King of Bling
9/02/2021 6:30 am
I've been here since 2013.

I must say that the recent changes have led to me being at the point of dropping MFN altogether

MFN has gotten to the point that if you figure out the computer algorithms and the key few codes, you can employ 50 and 60 rated dots and dominate. Honestly, that in and of itself should point out the flaws in the game, if a subpar dot can prevail, for the most part, 100% of the time. At this point, skill levels have little to no impact.

After playing MFN for 8 years, it doesn't matter how you go about constructing a roster; garner some 50-rated speed guys and game the 'playbook' and win big. I refuse to play a game like that, so I may be checking out sooner rather than later...

It saddens me that this is the evolution of MFN. I've been here since 08/19/2013 and am just about done. The most recent evolution's have made this game less impacted by roster skills and more impacted by plays plugged in that have nothing to do with player ratings or skill levels.

Now computer nerds rule the game with subpar rosters, poor coaching staffs, etc...they just plug in a certain play calling scenario and dominate. Roster construction has very little impact, but rather how you 'game' the strategy of plays that determine success or lack thereof.

Now you merely put together 50ish rated speedsters and plug in game plans that bypass skill levels and, VOILA, domination! As a result, I will play one more season and if this is where MFN is...sad to say, but GOODBYE :-(
Last edited at 9/02/2021 7:17 am

Re: MFN is becoming not worth playing!

9/02/2021 7:06 am
I feel 100% the same way. Just this past week I dropped 3 teams I've had for 20-plus seasons, which was sad. I am thinking about just severing all ties with this game. What used to involve roster construction, etc has now devolved to any kind of ratings anymore. Now you just put certain plays into your strategy and you own the game. That, to me, takes out all the fun and I refuse to play that kind of shitshow!

Sad because MFN was a lot of fun, but now is so tied in with how you 'manipulate' the computer AI's that it is no longer fun. I am seriously considering dumping it all this weekend.

Re: MFN is becoming not worth playing!

By tosu
9/02/2021 7:28 am
I've been here since 2014 and I am about done.
I used to love this game but the game-planning manipulation of the programming has ruined MFN for me. Crazy but I too, was seriously weighing dropping the game after 7 YEARS!!!!!!!
I am about 90 out the door, sad to say...

Re: MFN is becoming not worth playing!

By raymattison21
9/02/2021 7:35 am
It’s kinda like don’t shoot the messenger kinda of mentality. This game has always been that way. A few had the courage to show others how to do it. So there would be some competition.

As a fix , many things were tried to “ make ratings match default scores “ or make speed matter less. A lot were ingenious but just made the window of opportunity smaller.

That being said the current beta version has raised the value of zero speed. A complete solution? ....perhaps not but a lot of things have been curbed. I see all the same strategies but at least punt blocks and the sack bug out of the 46 are a thing of the past.

I would recommend giving this version a shot before bouncing. It has its own learning curve and league admin admiral has a few leagues with pointers to get up to speed. Again it not perfect but at least it’s different and the champs are different too

Re: MFN is becoming not worth playing!

By TheAdmiral
9/02/2021 3:30 pm
I admin three Leagues that use the new BETA engine and I think it's more what the OP and posters that followed are looking for. JDB is currently working on a new User Interface which is causing him more problems than he anticipated, this has therefore impacted game development and updates/upgrades.

This version of the game plays very differently and a lot of the '0.4.5 specialists' have tried it and left because it's no longer a case of hit the right 6 plays, fill your team with players who have 80+ speed as a minimum and use a minimal amount of playcalls.

The 3 Leagues I run are

League of Legends -

currently at the draft round 1 stage of season 12. No teams available right now as I like to keep my Leagues full where possible and tend to do this after the end of season turnspin and prior to free agency week one. I have taken to pausing the sim for a few days whilst I 'recruit' new owners. This allows owners time to assess the upcoming draft pool, the free agent pool and work on trades - or just take a couple of days to recharge. To aid this process I share a google docs sheet of the free agent pool and the draft class which shows how every player is rated in every category.

As an example this is the one in Legends

I also include a weekly Power Rankings showing how teams rank for passing yards, yards per att, rushing yards, yards per carry, sacks and turnover margin. Giving an overall ranking. Thereby highlighting where a team needs to improve. At the start of free agency one I also post the state of each roster, cap space and the highest paid player on each team - In Legends, I have roster requirements with minimum numbers and/or maximum numbers at specific positions. This was implemented prior to the switch to BETA in an effort to stop owners loading up with 15 DB's and 15 WR's.

My other two Leagues do not have those restrictions as BETA has largely stopped speed being the 'be-all, end-all'

Victory Football League -

Just finished Regular season week 16, five teams available. Two of those are playoff teams.

Franchise Football *This is a Roster Only League*

Currently at midweek week 11, in it's 8th season. Only one team available.

All teams in my Leagues are custom made with unique logos. I do allow teams to move but they need to stay within their own geographic region. I'm happy to rename players and work hard to make sure all teams can be competitive, sending reminders to extend player contracts to avoid teams getting 'raped' in pre-season. I have also posted threads on Cap Management and Hints and tips for the new BETA version of the game.

You can find those here. (Lifted from the League of Legends but posted in all three Leagues)

Come on over, take a team and give it a season. Maybe you'll prefer the safety blanket of 0.4.5 and go back to the arcade style, maybe you'll hate BETA and give up on MFN for good, but at least give BETA a chance before making a final decision.
Last edited at 9/02/2021 3:33 pm

Re: MFN is becoming not worth playing!

By King of Bling
9/05/2021 1:12 am
Unfortunately the more I see, the more disenchanted I become. The gaming is worse than ever. Ratings matter not, speed and plugging in a dozen plays on offense and 8 on defense equals success.

Not a long-term formula for survival of an internet game. Unless some serious changes such as computer gaming and ratings be damned are reversed, MFN will soon be a distant memory.

Whether it be David or whoever takes over, I'd suggest some immediate overhauls or MFN will fall by the wayside.

Re: MFN is becoming not worth playing!

By TheAdmiral
9/05/2021 10:48 am
King of Bling wrote:
Unfortunately the more I see, the more disenchanted I become. The gaming is worse than ever. Ratings matter not, speed and plugging in a dozen plays on offense and 8 on defense equals success.

Not a long-term formula for survival of an internet game. Unless some serious changes such as computer gaming and ratings be damned are reversed, MFN will soon be a distant memory.

Whether it be David or whoever takes over, I'd suggest some immediate overhauls or MFN will fall by the wayside.

Believe me, in BETA ratings matter. If you fill you're roster with pure speed, run to the left and throw to the short outside hitch route (FL Hitch, FL Slants, Skinny corner etc) you will get found out in a hurry. You have to be able to run both sides and up the gut and you can't just sit back and pass on every down either.

I understand your frustration with 0.4.5 sim engine. It's got to the point where unless a mass of side rules are thrown at a League, it's generally not worth playing.

With BETA teams find it really tough to throw 300+ yards a game - it's very different, give it a look, if you still don't like it you don't have to stay - What do you have to lose?

Re: MFN is becoming not worth playing!

By 1961
9/06/2021 1:10 pm
FWIW, I think the talent distribution makes it worse than it looks. Speed is a big thing because there are just SO MANY slow players in every draft. Move towards equalizing speed and ratings become much more relevant...

Re: MFN is becoming not worth playing!

By TheAdmiral
9/06/2021 1:41 pm
1961 wrote:
FWIW, I think the talent distribution makes it worse than it looks. Speed is a big thing because there are just SO MANY slow players in every draft. Move towards equalizing speed and ratings become much more relevant...

Which is already happening in BETA.

Re: MFN is becoming not worth playing!

By VillagerChris
9/06/2021 1:51 pm

Come try this out. I'm giving something to play for with a rule set that incentivizes winning and not tanking for high draft picks. It's still 4.5.. for now. If at any point in the future the league wants to move to Beta, or when Beta is no longer Beta but the norm, we will do so also.