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Re: Most Important Attributes by Position (Revised and Updated)

By setherick
2/02/2019 10:24 pm
setherick wrote:
I've updated my weights for 0.4.5 since it's getting close to release.


The current weights can be found here:

Important Changes

* JDB is moving a lot of attribute calculations to be parabolic as opposed to linear. If you're not sure what that means, PM me because I don't really want a lengthy explanation of just that in this thread.

Basic explanation is that <50 attributes for things like Passing Accuracy and Speed are much worse than 60 <= attributes, and <50 Passing Accuracy shouldn't be played.

* Coverage updates being made in 0.4.5 will make B&R even more important.

Bumping this post since 0.4.5 is released.

Re: Most Important Attributes by Position (Revised and Updated)

By Lamba
3/03/2019 9:06 am
Quick question. After 10 games, it seems to me like one attribute that isn't mentioned much in the weights, but seem to affect plays a lot, is acceleration.

Around my league, I see really good players being held back because of their sub par acceleration and to take some of my own; Two of my RBs have 80 and 84 speed, but 50's acceleration, which make it seem like they have real trouble getting up in pace and running outside or hitting the hole inside. Same for one of my recievers; 95 speed, but only 54 acceleration leaves him hanging. Should acceleration also have some weight, or is it just something one should always keep an eye on?

Re: Most Important Attributes by Position (Revised and Updated)

By Smirt211
3/03/2019 12:19 pm
Without getting too descriptive and in detail of why it matters on a play by play basis, the answer is yes!!

Think of it as a turbo button you can mash on. Some offensive plays you'll need it to evade the defense and escape hatch out of blitzes, per se.

In terms of receivers running an extended route and catching the ball, acceleration is not needed since it would have played itself out by then.

Last edited at 3/03/2019 12:19 pm

Re: Most Important Attributes by Position (Revised and Updated)

By CrazySexyBeast
3/09/2019 6:56 pm
Personally, high for DB's and WR, and a little less so for RBs, I have noticed that ACC makes all the difference in pulling away off the line (wr), closing the gap when beat (db), or hitting the edges (RB).
Also doesn't hurt to have L/Rt w/ a bit of ACC as well.
Haven't really gotten knee deep in 4.5 yet, so we shall see if ACC continues to have a small factor in those positions. I expect it will.
All just my 2 cents.

Re: Most Important Attributes by Position (Revised and Updated)

By setherick
8/17/2019 6:25 pm
I found the spreadsheet that I used to calculate my 0.4.5 weights today, and I realized that I have a minor, but significant, math error in it.

I'm not going to spend the time to correct the current PDF since it's a close enough approximation when you get < 80% effectiveness of the primary attribute for the position, but I'll give you all the math I used if you want to create your own spreadsheet.

In your spreadsheet you need two columns:

Column 1 - Effectiveness
Column 2 - Weights

In column 1, you need the values 99, 98, … 1. Do NOT include 100 since this math gives you an approximation.

(Now for the math.)

In column 2, you need this equation: =100/(((100.25 - <column 1>))^0.5) + 0.5

You can stop reading now, but if you're interested, the bolded bit above is the math error from before.

How significant is it? The weights in the PDF say to set a secondary attribute that you want to be 98% as effective as the primary attribute to 71. The correct math sets it to 50.

97% as effective is listed at 58 in the PDF, but it should be 43.

The other weights are close enough. Enjoy.
Last edited at 8/18/2019 7:11 am

Re: Most Important Attributes by Position (Revised and Updated)

By CrazySexyBeast
8/17/2019 8:05 pm
Yup. Glad this was finally addressed, setherick - and welcome back should that be the case :)

Re: Most Important Attributes by Position (Revised and Updated)

By setherick
8/17/2019 8:28 pm
CrazySexyBeast wrote:
Yup. Glad this was finally addressed, setherick - and welcome back should that be the case :)

Not back. Just have a habit of having to correct coding errors even, and especially, when they are my own.


Looking at the spreadsheet again I also noticed that this was only about halfway to where I wanted it when I sat it down.

If anyone really wants to pick this up, you should add factors into the equation. For instance, a QB's Accuracy (Primary) is at least 4x as important as his Intelligence or Arm (Secondary) and the same can be said of a Running Back's speed, so the equation really should be [Equation Above]/4 for effective weight of the secondary attribute (I would say 98% effective to primary or ~13 in your weights. On the other hand, a LB or WR Speed is probably only 2x as important as their secondary attributes.
Last edited at 8/18/2019 7:12 am

Re: Most Important Attributes by Position (Revised and Updated)

By CrazySexyBeast
8/17/2019 8:33 pm
Thx setherick. There is a few of us working on that mantle, and the above info will be useful.
....and now is as good a time as any to mention the MFN THINK TANK
A place for normal folks to continue developing MFN material for all aspects of play.

Re: Most Important Attributes by Position (Revised and Updated)

By setherick
8/25/2019 11:24 pm
I'm going to take a minute to wrap up what I started in January. It will include a pretty lengthy explanation of the math I used to construct the weights, and the reasoning behind the math. If you don't care about the math, you can skip the rest of the thread.

I don't care about math. Where are the weights?

What is this math all about?

Starting with one of the 0.4.5 release, there are at least two attributes that are are calculated in the game mechanics based on a parabolic rather than linear equation – Speed and Passing Accuracy.

Yes, I know that's a mouthful. What that really means is that the attribute listed on the player card may or may not be as good on the field as the card implies.

The first problem here is that the player card implies a linear relationship between attributes from player 1 and player 2. Obviously a player with 75 SP is slower than a player with 90 SP, but how much slower is he?

If the speed calculation was strictly linear [x = y], the 75 SP player would be 21 calculated SP points slower using the distance formula than the 90 SP player [(15^2 + 15^2)^0.5]. In a parabolic system [y = -(x^2 – x + 100)], his calculated SP is much closer to 15 points lower than the 90 SP player. (This is also why in the 0.3.x – 0.4.2 days, 90 SP players were at so much an advantage over < 90 SP players, and the Go route with it's SP vs SP calculation ruled all the leagues.)

NOTE: I'm only using the above formulas as examples. I do not know what the actual SP calculation is.

The second problem is that weights are percentage based. So even if you understand the calculated value is different from the card value, you have to set your weights based on a linear scale … unless you take the time to determine ratios.

Prior to 0.4.5, I tried a number of different ratios (all of which are on this thread), and the corresponding percentage point that went with it. In and after 0.4.5, I will be using a parabolic equation to set ratios.

Rather than give a full explanation for this, I've included a chart in the weights that I have been using. The basics go something like this:

1) Determine the player's primary attribute
2) Determine how much more important (factor) that attribute is from all other attributes
3) Determine the number of secondary, tertiary, and auxiliary attributes you want to weight
4) Find the corresponding percentage value based on the number of attributes and the importance factor (so a WR in my system has Speed factored at 8, which means all of the players secondary attributes have a much lower percentage weight than if Speed was a factor of 2 or 4)

Wrapping up this thread
I'm taking the time to post this because I'm closing down this thread. I don't care if JDB permanently locks it or not. I will just not be responding to it anymore.

This will be my last post in any of the public forums. I plan on playing in a few leagues, but the only forum I will be actively participating in will be MFN-1. In the past, I have been publicly criticized on the MFN podcast and in multiple forums for trying to help all players figure out how to play the game, and have been actively accused of making the game worse for volunteering my time in MFN-1. I have no time for it anymore.

If you are interested in game mechanics or player evaluation based, you can PM me.


Re: Most Important Attributes by Position (Revised and Updated)

By Beercloud
8/26/2019 12:46 am
Who is this masked man?
Last edited at 8/26/2019 12:46 am