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Re: Special Teams Matter

By Cjfred68
3/28/2020 11:51 am
So when someone puts the 4 fastest players on their roster regardless of position as the front four of the punt return formation.....its fine?

I'm talking 2 CBs and 2 WRs lined up at RDE, DT1, DT2, LDE. All 4 players are under 200 lbs matched up against 300 lb offensive linemen and they consistently blow by them to the tune of averaging over 1 punt block per game.

It's just stupid on so many levels.

Let's disregard the fact that these 4 players would probably get hurt from the pancaking they would get.....any punt team faced with that front would quickly run a fake inside run against it if the yards to go were anywhere close to acheiving.

It's very simple....the game mechanics for blocking are broken because speed overrides everything and little details like 5 300 lb players blocking 4 190 lb players is a mismatch towards the 190 lbers due to speed.

Here is the problem...this isnt some great secret that makes owners that block punts better owners....its that most owners refuse to use this obvious exploit because it feels wrong, dirty or like cheating. So in many leagues 26-28 owners dont do it and get abused by owners who have no moral issue with and see themselves as out smarting their opponent.

Just because you can do something doesnt mean you should do something. This exploit resembles nothing like real football and personally if I wanted an arcade game.....Madden has way better graphics.

As league admin of 5 leagues....I am instituting a ban on this exploit at the start of each leagues next season.

Re: Special Teams Matter

By TarquinTheDark
3/28/2020 8:02 pm
Let's take this opportunity to blow past the smoke and mirrors of the punt blocking furor and talk about a real exploit, min/maxing - or more specifically ... tweaking, which is min/maxing on the speed attribute. Tweaking is the practice of creating a team that is recruited or played OOP for almost every position based on speed (max) - but where the player's other attributes (min) are so horrible - that the sim evaluates them as a bad AI team and gives them a boost on every RNG roll. That's right - every injury roll, every fumble roll, every pass completion roll, every block, etc.

Think I just made it up? InfinityonTrial was so focused on harassing me after I originally wrote STs Matter, that he screwed up. He abandoned his tweaker team in ANARCHY league intact while creating tweaker teams in leagues where I had a contender.. (At the time, I wasn't in ANARCHY.) With no game-planning, rules, scouting, or other skilled guidance, that team of rejects (average ratings 20 points less than any opposition) tore through the regular season, and shredded several of the super-teams run by super-owners in the playoffs. This team was being run by the AI. I didn't figure this out by myself, the evidence was brought to me. I was asked to go to JDB with it.

I want to see Punt blocks fixed, but there is at least a football rationale for putting the fastest, best rushers on the line. I want to see punt blocks fixed for every league. I originally wrote the punt block & punt block blocking article of ST Matters because there were half a dozen "elite" owners inflicting punt blocks on the masses as they saw fit. I don't try to be the best punt blocker out there, or personally get upset when someone blocks me. I know that the same owners who are doing that are the ones that are somehow immune, and I congratulate them and study their methods.

Tweaking has nothing to do with football, RL, or RL football. It is a numbers game designed to take advantage of the engine. It is not visual, it just has an effect on every play.

Cjfred has ignored it, and would like to see it continually ignored (CJ has supported, enabled, encouraged, and excused the behavior of Infinity "the champion of Champions") His stated agenda is to move the game further into a collection of private invitation-only leagues, a move that will only hasten the demise of MFN as a whole. He doesn't care what happens to the rest of us, ... as long as his pals can surf the "wild-west" leagues for championships, damaging and destroying them as they see fit.

ANARCHY, one of the most storied leagues in MFN, is now in danger of going under. If what I've written here concerns you at all ... whether or not you agree or like me ... I call on you to help fill it again. If ANARCHY goes under, the insiders who have been perpetrating this exploit can say "didn't happen", because the evidence will be gone.

@Cj, You are clearly here with an agenda of negativity to cause trouble and you're wrong and I'm being neutral by shutting down this thread to shut you up ... sound familiar? I guess the bully pulpit of league admin isn't enough for you. Come at me again, bro ... or should I say BUDDY.

EDIT: We've had six owners either join or come back to ANARCHY in the last two days ... but it needs to be filled, far from any danger of disappearing.
Last edited at 3/28/2020 8:51 pm

Re: Special Teams Matter

By Cjfred68
3/28/2020 9:10 pm
I don't care!?!?!

I've created 5 custom leagues and spent hundreds of dollars to support this game. I promote competetion and sportsmanship in all my leagues.

I've messaged JDB several times asking to fix this obvious flaw.

Tarquin has blamed everyone for ruining leagues but has done nothing to create or save any of them. Like in the real world, leagues in MFN are a free market based on supply and demand. The better leagues survive....the bad leagues die...its just how it is.

He has some issue with me because as an owner in 3 of my leagues (does that make him one of my buddies) he had issues with owners I was allowing into my leagues....personal issues.

I have never and will never take ultimatums from owners about like if he stays I'm leaving.....then leave.

Honestly, blaming an owner for ruining a league because he abandoned his single owner has that power and if somebody (Tarquin) really wants to save a league.....become admin, recruit...add content.

The facts are this....Tarquin blocks punts even though he admits he wants it fixed. I have never and will never block punts by using WR as DTs or CB as DEs.

You think there is nothing wrong with the punt blocks???? Take your fastest player on your roster even a WR or RB and put him at DT1 and watch the sacks pile up like you hit the slots.

You can listen to Tarquin if you want...he has been here 1 1/2 years and won 2 Championships while exploiting the punt block to his best ability.

I've been here 2 1/2 years, have created leagues, added extra content to attract more owners and won over 30 Championships without using punt blocks and playing players at their designated positions.

Tarquin is right about one thing.....speed rules this game.

And for the record, I never mentioned or came at Tarquin.....he decided to take it that way and called me out

I love how Tarquin goes after the tweakers for the ruining the game by jobing the code by using players that **** with speed. Then in the same breath defends his use of speed to block punts....admits it's wrong...wants it fixed....but justifies his actions as noble because these issues need to brought to light.

Seems to me Tarquin is a bitter person who cant quite get over the hump despite being a punt blocker. He wants to think himself an expert in MFN but cant quite beat the big boys.

He even defends that by saying he isnt here to win...its not important and anyone winning is a tweaker. I'm sorry, I'm 52 years old and didnt grow up in the generation of participation trophies...I play to win but I'm also man enough to Congratulate anyone who beats me.

The biggest difference between me and Tarquin is he represents himself while I represent over 100 owners in my leagues that hate the stupid punt block and are reaching a level of frustration with it that could lead to a mass exodus.

If anyone wants to play a football sim where 3 to 4 punt blocks occur and 200 RBs with 90 speed play DT and lead the league in my guest.

Last edited at 3/28/2020 9:35 pm

Re: Special Teams Matter

By TarquinTheDark
3/28/2020 10:02 pm
Cjfred68 wrote:
I don't care!?!?!

I've created 5 custom leagues and spent hundreds of dollars to support this game. I promote competetion and sportsmanship in all my leagues.

I've messaged JDB several times asking to fix this obvious flaw.

Tarquin has blamed everyone for ruining leagues but has done nothing to create or save any of them. Like in the real world, leagues in MFN are a free market based on supply and demand. The better leagues survive....the bad leagues die...its just how it is.

He has some issue with me because as an owner in 3 of my leagues (does that make him one of my buddies) he had issues with owners I was allowing into my leagues....personal issues.

I have never and will never take ultimatums from owners about like if he stays I'm leaving.....then leave.

Honestly, blaming an owner for ruining a league because he abandoned his single owner has that power and if somebody (Tarquin) really wants to save a league.....become admin, recruit...add content.

The facts are this....Tarquin blocks punts even though he admits he wants it fixed. I have never and will never block punts by using WR as DTs or CB as DEs.

You think there is nothing wrong with the punt blocks???? Take your fastest player on your roster even a WR or RB and put him at DT1 and watch the sacks pile up like you hit the slots.

You can listen to Tarquin if you want...he has been here 1 1/2 years and won 2 Championships while exploiting the punt block to his best ability.

I've been here 2 1/2 years, have created leagues, added extra content to attract more owners and won over 30 Championships without using punt blocks and playing players at their designated positions.

Tarquin is right about one thing.....speed rules this game.

You care about your leagues, that's it. Do I really need to dig out all the quotes from your forum and our PMs saying so?

I took issue with two owners that left notes in a league forum saying "this league sucks" before leaving. One of them, when confronted ... doubled-down on being an a-hole. "Who was I to dare say anything to him?!?" Yes, I dragged his name through the mud for it.

When I wrote STs matter, Infinity attacked on several angles, one was becoming lead advocate for this owner's behavior.

Cjfred had an opening in Champions, and asked the league for suggestions. Over forty were supplied, not including this owner. Cj decided that he was the right person to join at that time. I did contact Cj by PM questioning his judgement. I never gave him an ultimatum. I never asked him to kick that person out of his league. I never threatened to quit his league. I believe my exact wording was "Really?" Cj please feel free to correct that if it is inaccurate.

I avoided any conversation with or about this owner in Champions. After my altercation with Infinity about tweakers was over, this owner saw an opportunity and went on the attack. That is when CJ got all thunderous with his BS. That's right CJ. You're full of it.

Anyone who cares can check the facts here, pages 4-8:

It's been one continuous fight as far as I'm concerned. How about you go get your big brother now?

I am offended that you would imply that any such behavior is acceptable in leagues where there is no admin. I do not admin, CJ. You are right about that. I have my personal reasons. Your continued insistence that I would need to be an admin to address that kind of behavior has become one additional reason I don't do it. I also do not need a bully pulpit, and would like to think if I did admin I wouldn't use it that way..

You're becoming Infinity, really foaming at the mouth over punt blocks. If you bothered to check facts, you would see that I blocked enough punts to let the mass of players see how it was done, and occasionally set them in leagues where I warn people what I am doing and make an offer for any gentleman's agreement they want. I'm much more often the "victim" of punt blocks, that's on me for forgetting. Oh, I also have a punt blocker in beta, trying to get them fixed.

Have you beat a tweaker? Would you like to put in your own words why you want to ignore cheating on such a massive scale?
Last edited at 3/28/2020 10:14 pm

Re: Special Teams Matter

By TarquinTheDark
3/28/2020 10:46 pm
Cjfred68 wrote:

And for the record, I never mentioned or came at Tarquin.....he decided to take it that way and called me out

This thread had been silent for how long? This conversation was over in the last thread, and over in the one before that ... now it's here. Yes Cj, you're going to ban punt blocks in your leagues. Are you going to post that in my team news in Moguls or Elite next?

Again, I ask anyone with doubts to read this, especially the last post.

Cjfred68 wrote:

I love how Tarquin goes after the tweakers for the ruining the game by jobing the code by using players that **** with speed. Then in the same breath defends his use of speed to block punts....admits it's wrong...wants it fixed....but justifies his actions as noble because these issues need to brought to light.

The difference in scale is laughable. The difference in sneakiness is laughable. Punt blockers blow past one guy, if the "victim" hasn't recruited and put in place the right guy to stop them. Tweakers win LCs and they've already caused mass exoduses in many leagues. It isn't the speed that's the issue with tweakers, it's the deliberate lack of any other skills.

Cjfred68 wrote:
Seems to me Tarquin is a bitter person who cant quite get over the hump despite being a punt blocker. He wants to think himself an expert in MFN but cant quite beat the big boys.

He even defends that by saying he isnt here to win...its not important and anyone winning is a tweaker. I'm sorry, I'm 52 years old and didnt grow up in the generation of participation trophies...I play to win but I'm also man enough to Congratulate anyone who beats me.

Nice try, reaching for straws. Infinity ran tweaker teams, and anyone who played against him knew something wasn't right. Now they know why they felt that way.

I said winning isn't as important to me as Infinity. I always play to win. I'm 52 years old and didn't grow up in the generation of participation trophies either, but good for you for trying. There are two owners I avoid any conversation with, anyone else who played a good game gets congratulated. Check at least one fact before spouting.

Cjfred68 wrote:
The biggest difference between me and Tarquin is he represents himself while I represent over 100 owners in my leagues that hate the stupid punt block and are reaching a level of frustration with it that could lead to a mass exodus.

The biggest difference between me and CJ is that I care about what happens to the game outside of his leagues, out there in the wild west where everybody who isn't in his leagues plays.

Cjfred68 wrote:
If anyone wants to play a football sim where 3 to 4 punt blocks occur and 200 RBs with 90 speed play DT and lead the league in my guest.

Nobody wants that, but it sounds so bitter when you put it like that ...

I'd like you to think you're doing well for yourself and your cause. I'm not remotely tired, so get it all out. In case you missed it ealier, Nice try! Good For You!

Last edited at 3/28/2020 11:18 pm

Re: Special Teams Matter

By Cjfred68
3/28/2020 11:17 pm
You care about your leagues, that's it. Do I really need to dig out all the quotes from your forum and our PMs saying so?

As opposed to not caring about my leagues....guilty but I'm also an owner in leagues I dont own so wrong!!!

I took issue with two owners that left notes in a league forum saying "this league sucks" before leaving. One of them, when confronted ... doubled-down on being an a-hole. "Who was I to dare say anything to him?!?" Yes, I dragged his name through the mud for it.

Somebody said this league sucks in a league that probably had 18 active yeah it probaly did

When I wrote STs matter, Infinity attacked on several angles, one was becoming lead advocate for this owner's behavior.

I'm not an advocate for any owner....I dont follow....I lead.

Cjfred had an opening in Champions, and asked the league for suggestions. Over forty were supplied, not including this owner. Cj decided that he was the right person to join at that time. I did contact Cj by PM questioning his judgement. I never gave him an ultimatum. I never asked him to kick that person out of his league. I never threatened to quit his league. I believe my exact wording was "Really?" Cj please feel free to correct that if it is inaccurate.

I ask for suggestions because it's the Champions league and you have to have won a Chamoionship to get in...Infinity was more then qualified so when he accepted my invitation I was glad...prior to him joining I had never been in a league with him. So this idea he is one of my boys is ridiculous. I chose him because I want to go against the best of the best and he had the titles

I avoided any conversation with or about this owner in Champions. After my altercation with Infinity about tweakers was over, this owner saw an opportunity and went on the attack. That is when CJ got all thunderous with his BS. That's right CJ. You're full of it.

Yeah, I shut down a pissing contest in my league forums and told you to take it to PM. I'm such an *** for that.

Anyone who cares can check the facts here, pages 4-8:

It's been one continuous fight as far as I'm concerned. How about you go get your big brother now?

Again, this is all in your head because I'm my own man. I guess it's easy for you to lump everyone you have issues with together as a group. It helps promote this self delusion that you matter by creating a cabal of evil.

I am offended that you would imply that any such behavior is acceptable in leagues where there is no admin. I do not admin, CJ. You are right about that. I have my personal reasons. Your continued insistence that I would need to be an admin to address that kind of behavior has become one additional reason I don't do it. I also do not need a bully pulpit, and would like to think if I did admin I wouldn't use it that way..

I run my leagues so owners can compete and have fun without all the BS. If you dont like it leave. I have 6 openings total across 5 leagues for a reason. The vast majority of owners like a strong league admin that protects their league, recruits, limits AI run disasters and put the time in to make their experience better. You talk to hear yourself openly admit punt blocks need to be fixed but when I address it....I'm a bully because you have personal issues with the messager.

You're becoming Infinity, really foaming at the mouth over punt blocks. If you bothered to check facts, you would see that I blocked enough punts to let the mass of players see how it was done, and occasionally set them in leagues where I warn people what I am doing and make an offer for any gentleman's agreement they want. I'm much more often the "victim" of punt blocks, that's on me for forgetting. Oh, I also have a punt blocker in beta, trying to get thmessage.

Again, I'm my own man but I do represent over 100 owners. So yes when longtime owners PM me about the 4 or 5 owners in a league that are ruining the fun and they question if they want to remain. I put in the time and deleted into the matter. I clearly went from it is what it is to discovering just how broken blocking is in relation to player size, weight and blocking attributes vs simply speed. If punt blocks occur because speedy players lining up at DE beat 100 pass blocking tackles....what's the next logical step? So, I put a 217 lb 87 speed RB at DT1 and he got 7 sacks in 2 games.....Its not a stategy....its broken

Have you beat a tweaker? Would you like to put in your own words why you want to ignore cheating on such a massive scale?

I've beat everybody and I dont "Tweak" like you call it except for the instance I stated above to prove my theory. I will play a "tweaker" all day because I can gameplan as well as him and my team is put together with real players at their proper positions. Like I've stated before, this game has a bunch of problems. I can block punts but I refuse to do it because it's wrong. If I decided to start blocking punts....I would win even more then I do and I already win alot...all that would do is drive owners away in frustration.

I done with this thread, do and say what you want. Leave my leagues if I'm such a bully...I dont need you. If you wanna keep making this a personal attack then I will remove you myself. Clearly you have issues with particular owners and despite your insistence you cant admin a waste plenty of time in the forums debating an issue you agree with me about. I dont know why you want to be in my leagues anyway....especially Champions!!

You basically said owners that care about winning are losers and you dont care about winning which sounds like something a loser would say. Is that personal enough for you BUDDY

Re: Special Teams Matter

By TarquinTheDark
3/28/2020 11:24 pm
I don't think I need to comment on that, I'm going to let it stand as is.

Internet hate is the sincerest flattery.

Again, please join ANARCHY if you care about the tweakers exploit (or even if you don't).
Last edited at 3/28/2020 11:32 pm

Re: Special Teams Matter

By TarquinTheDark
3/28/2020 11:48 pm
Cjfred68 wrote:

When I wrote STs matter, Infinity attacked on several angles, one was becoming lead advocate for this owner's behavior.

I'm not an advocate for any owner....I dont follow....I lead.

I have to ask, though ... which of you is the alt?

Re: Special Teams Matter

By Cjfred68
3/28/2020 11:58 pm
TarquinTheDark wrote:
Cjfred68 wrote:

When I wrote STs matter, Infinity attacked on several angles, one was becoming lead advocate for this owner's behavior.

I'm not an advocate for any owner....I dont follow....I lead.

I have to ask, though ... which of you is the alt?

Goodbye....Tarquin. you wanna accuse me cheating....feel free to PM JDB and ask him if I share a common IP with him.

I've done it before and he does respond.

Re: Special Teams Matter

By TarquinTheDark
3/29/2020 12:27 am
Only asking because of what you posted. Infinity is younger and prettier.

Cjfred68 wrote:


My name is xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx and I live in Maryland.

Hit me up on Facebook, Twiiter or Instagram and we can meet up if you want. Besides that dont talk me me anymore or even mention me again in the forums.

If you continue to antagonize me in the forums, I will notify JDB and have you removed. Investing hundreds of dollars into a game has its benefits especially for someone making unfounded accusations.

EDIT: And ... He booted me from two leagues. Well, those teams are in great shape for the next guy, unless he's a tweaker.
Last edited at 3/29/2020 12:53 am