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Main - Bug Box

unchecked plays being called the next game

By TheWitchHunter
11/22/2023 5:37 pm
I have my core defensive plays, and defensive plays i rotate in and out. I'm honestly still figuring all this out.
Prior to the week 14 game sim of the league I am in, i removed a few plays (they were giving u 4+yds and alternatives are available). I figure most people do this.
However, upon reviewing my defensive play yards per X called post sim, i noticed all 4 of the plays I removed had been called. Yes, I did all the drop tabs to 1 game x 1x called etc.
Additionally, none of the new plays I had properly checked were called.
...but the plays I had unchecked (and were still unchecked post sim) WERE called.
Fortunately, they did better than ever.
I hope I made put this in a way folks can understand, I kinda blathered.
I got a game sim tonight, took some out added a few in, we'll see how it goes.

Re: unchecked plays being called the next game

By Mcbolt55
11/22/2023 7:56 pm
You may need to double check the “defense” tab for the play call matrix. If the old plays are the only plays that fit the selected play types, that’s why they were called. Also double check your defensive rules “view plays”, if the rule is active and no eligible plays fit the rule that could happen.

Re: unchecked plays being called the next game

By TheWitchHunter
11/22/2023 9:48 pm
Nope. matrix is correct, checked options were available.
I read ALL this stuff, I'm very thorough.
See that 30ppg average, right?
In no way should an unchecked man blitz 2 be called over a checked man blitz 2.
Definitly a bug.
You go ahead and test it yourself - I would not have mentioned it if it was a one week afair.
It been consistent all season.
Peer review is the key, Y'all taught me everything and I'm obviously paying attention.
Its an code issue, not an ish-me.

Re: unchecked plays being called the next game

By TheWitchHunter
11/22/2023 10:09 pm
One thing Ive learned about MFN is to trust the bug.
Again, I encourage you to test it.
What the server gives me is the truth.
Plays I had unchecked were called, and as i said in the OG post, I crossed all my T's and dotted all my I's.
Y'all taught me what to look for.
I read all of the posts, everything I am doing is verbatim from the forums.
If I de-select a play for a game, then post game use the drop boxes to one game and one time called, when plays that are not selected are called, it's a bug.
I'm not blind, yet that's exactly what yall just said.
That I am not seeing what I am seeing.
Do your own homework. Test the problem before you doubt the problem.
Any biases, and trust of the creator, are why y'all just said what I saw was not what I saw.
The data the server loads is the data that became the facts.
For you to be right, then you must accept MFN is wrong. That what I saw was wrong.
That in of itself is also a (far more serious) bug.
Either path of thought shows a misrepresentation of data presented to the user.
Either way - it's a bug and play use is misrepresented.
I accept you plausability, but I KNOW what I saw from the server.
What I saw was plays I had not selected being used, and plays I had selected being unused.
If your observation is correct - or perhaps also INcorrect, then both are true.

Both of us are right, but your dismissal of the data I was given is unfortunately both obtuse and woefully inaccurate.
You ofter the same bug in a different cloth, I just don't have a built in bias of preservation.

I shared actual experience and actual data, you shared undocumented bias and contempt prior to personal investigation.

The box was unchecked, the play was called.
De Facto, Senore.

Again, I encourage you to test it if you doubt my experiences.
My experience as shared is exact and truthful.
I stand by my OG post. If the MFN server says it to be true, that such plays were called and yet not check for use by the user, then it happened.

...or every single bit of information in the play matrix (scouting and team plays choosen) is a bunch of horsehit.
It is or it isn't.
What is, for me, is play not in my playbook being called the next game after i remove them.
It includes offensive plays Ive removed.
This is absolute. Code says it was called, matrix shows it is unchecked.
It's a bug.
You, yourself have commented this season about AI teams "ghosting" the previous owners plays after losing to an AI team (wk 1).

All of this fits, including you own comments prior to today, except your idea of it's me and not the system.
It's the system.
Anyway, just another thing I can use to crush the next team by 40.
Kinda like I figured it out or some stuff.
Last edited at 11/22/2023 10:18 pm

Re: unchecked plays being called the next game

By Mcbolt55
11/22/2023 10:18 pm
Easy there pal. You’re doing great, I’m not doubting the skill and attention to detail. I’ve just had similar experience in the past and that’s what the issue was. Otherwise, as long as I have 15 active def plays in my book, the sim doesn’t call **** I didn’t tell it to.

Re: unchecked plays being called the next game

By TheWitchHunter
11/22/2023 10:25 pm
so, unless one is hyper-specific, rule orientated, and limites what could be 30 play options oto 15, the game is "gonna call whatever the f it wants to" (full paraphrase, full luaghter, i dont mean to insult i mean to giggle about).
That' yet another user challange.
Pretty sure we can agree to chuckle about what it takes to prevent the engine fromfing basic users (read as new players) like me vs players like you, who have played a long time and just have come to accept the half or less of a playbook working is better than none at all?
Not sure what the positive is if I must narrow my options to such a fine point as to prevent a BUG.
Its not an Ish-me.
Same pages, aren't we.
Thanks and all my appreciations, McBolt.

Re: unchecked plays being called the next game

By TheWitchHunter
11/22/2023 10:43 pm
Has any long term player honestly consider how much effort must be put in to work around the defects in 4.6 in order to viably play and compete in MFN?
Like, I really didn't expect to work this hard after learning the basics, nor did I expect such basics to be such hardline absolutes.
I didn't expect to find figuring out how to "work" the game to such a huge part of the game. In fact, an overwhelming part of team management is fixing the defaults and accepting/learning/working around long standing bugs.
If my playbook has 60 d plays and Im using 20 core and switching in and out 5 because over 30 sims I found 45 plays to be TRASH (and the forum DB crowd has the data to prove it!!) or if McBolt - who's got some years at this is only using 15 (and has been a huge help to me), toss in some plays i unselected being ghosted into my playcalling next game...
I dunno. I really can't finish that.
It's a downward spiral.
Obviously, Ive read all about what plays work and what doesn't - I suppose I'll eventually get my playbooks so narrow that everything becomes rudimentary.
That's boredom.
That's not a challenge.
I don't mean to step on toes - particularly towards those who have been so kind. I get the love, but holy cow it's like more and more is broken than fixed the deeper and more involved I get.

I guess I just have to settle for kicking everyone's asses until the predictability factor becomes the minority. :)
....juuuust kidding.
I do like the game, indeed I do!
Last edited at 11/22/2023 10:53 pm

Re: unchecked plays being called the next game

By Cjfred68
12/10/2023 10:08 am
This sim definately has bugs and does things not easily explained but in 99.9% of all my games...the plays I selected are the only ones called in a game.

I've had the rare sim where 1 defensive play was used the entire game for no obvious reason but I've never encountered a situation where the sim used a play I didn't have selected.

I don't doubt it happened to you but I've never seen it happen to me personally in way too many years of playing this game.

I use roughly 20 offensive plays & 10 defensive plays on average. Never more and often less to give you a frame of reference.

I have noticed that when rules aren't written correctly it can give odd outcomes but I have had the same rules for years and gotten past those bizarre results.

Can you give an example of a play that was called which you didn't select?

Other you save your gameplan after setting it up? I have multiple teams and have a different saved game plan for each team which is the reason I ask.
Last edited at 12/10/2023 10:09 am

Re: unchecked plays being called the next game

By TheWitchHunter
12/12/2023 5:51 pm
Mcbolt55 wrote:
Easy there pal. You’re doing great, I’m not doubting the skill and attention to detail. I’ve just had similar experience in the past and that’s what the issue was. Otherwise, as long as I have 15 active def plays in my book, the sim doesn’t call **** I didn’t tell it to.

does this mean less D plays are better?
Other than r or p only sets, I dont run D rules. I try to have 20+ D plays - though over my 1 season I noticed dime plays and man DB plays are not preferred by the code.

I could easily remove plays that are not being called by the AI, use them and check them only when I have a D rule that uses them. Would following this method improve the odds or lead to play overuse penalties.

Mythoughts are 15 D plays vs 60+ offensive plays called per game = play overuse penalties.
My experience is, even when an alternate is available, the "system" will call whatever the F it wants to, anyway - UNLESS I made a specific rule.

I guess that leads me to a second question: Are blanket D rules the way to go. Setherick mentioned 4 game averages when doing research. Should I make a rule based on every set my opponent is playing? If the opponent is using 66% run plays out of a 2.1.2 should I make a 2.1.2 rule and go 60 R/ 40N in the r/p section is it worth the work?
I mean, that's lot of work. Seth's post said to go 4x gmes at each set and then make a D rule based on that information.
Is the run/pass section of D rules a direct percentage or a ration like player weights?
I have so many questions if I don't go basic 100 r (or p) and 0 neutral, it's why I don't bother.

Re: unchecked plays being called the next game

By TheWitchHunter
12/12/2023 5:57 pm
also, no idea how to provide the visual evidence cj would like. It would take pics. Agreed with all his points, checked all those boxes.
Im still taking plays out and putting plays in which is why i noticed. Accepted it may not be a broad based bug, but possible that such a reduction in plays (10 in your example) reduces the possibility of exposure to a minimum?
If one always calls the same 10 plays, the one could never see that a a removed play is still being called at least 1 game after being removed? 1 game after only is also my experience and additional info.

Just brainstorming, not excluding experiences.