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Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By Booger926
3/05/2017 1:34 am
Yes, I do find it interesting that the delay (let's call it what it really was) against the 7 countries were originally named by Obama but it's all Trump's fault.

In my opinion, the Obama administration NEVER had America's best interests in heart while Trump does
Last edited at 3/06/2017 2:38 am

Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By Brrexkl
3/06/2017 7:29 am
WarEagle wrote:
Gustoon wrote:

He's the most powerful man in the world and he can't get what he's thinking across?

I think he does get his meaning across, but in the course of doing so he sometimes uses words or phrases that others latch onto and ignore the rest of what is being said.

I think often people seem to have their mind made up before he even opens his mouth.

I agree he is not a well-polished, smooth politician. That is a huge positive in my eyes. Politicians are the problem.

Exactly. During the Campaign he gave his speech on Security.

In that speech he stated that he was willing to listen to Russia to see if the US and Russia can indeed be friends. He also said he America would honor our agreements. He also said he would have to re-evaluate who are Friends actually are. He also stated he'd void that piece of **** agreement with Iran.

Now, he said each of these things in their own context, in their own paragraphs. But what the MEDIA did was say "He says we will honor our agreements, but he said he's void the Iran Deal... he's talking out the side of his mouth!".

Not true at all. RE-EVALUATE OUR FRIENDS. If Iran isn't honoring the deal, they must not be our friend and are abusing our friendship for personal gain. THEREFORE, we will void the deal.

BUT if we find you to be a Friend of good standing, do not despair... your deals WILL be honored.

There was no double talk at all. And if you took things in the context of the paragraphs they were delivered in, then any 2nd Grader could follow a coherent thought process of information. But some how College Educated Professionals couldn't do that simple thing, started moving things around to fit their agenda and attack points out of the context they were given.

Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By Nicko
3/06/2017 9:01 pm
Booger926 wrote:
Yes, I do find it interesting that the delay (let's call it what it really was) against the 7 countries were originally named by Obama but it's all Trump's fault.

In my opinion, the Obama administration NEVER had America's best interests in heart while Trump does

So you don't like the "Muslim ban" because it was Obama's idea? Or you like the ban, but don't like Obama because he wasn't looking out for your best interests.... but in this case you feel Obama was looking out for your best interest by coming up with a travel ban that you support? I'm confused by your point here.

**EDIT** Changed the word "create" to "coming up with".
Last edited at 3/06/2017 11:00 pm

Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By Brrexkl
3/06/2017 9:30 pm
Nicko wrote:
Booger926 wrote:
Yes, I do find it interesting that the delay (let's call it what it really was) against the 7 countries were originally named by Obama but it's all Trump's fault.

In my opinion, the Obama administration NEVER had America's best interests in heart while Trump does

So you don't like the "Muslim ban" because it was Obama's idea? Or you like the ban, but don't like Obama because he wasn't looking out for your best interests.... but in this case you feel Obama was looking out for your best interest by creating a travel ban that you support? I'm confused by your point here.

What he is saying is that Trump is being attacked for this Travel deal.

But he's being attacked by Obama/Hillary Supporters who were the ones who actually initiated the deal.

It's hypocritical. Had Obama/Hillary finished this idea... would these same people be attacking them?

Because it's Trump, he's being hit on this. The exact people hitting him wouldn't have even have swung at Obama/Hillary for finishing this. That's the point.

Sort of like Hillary saying "If I won and you didn't concede, that would be an assault on Democracy" and then her supporters cheering that. Then Trump Won, and while Hillary DID concede, her Supporters were #NotMyPresident and rioting in the streets... conducting an, from Hillary's own words, 'assault on Democracy'.

These things don't go unnoticed.

Sort of like Trump Supporters being called loud and violent. How many Rallies of other Candidates did Trump Supporters go to and cause issues? None. You can't show me a single one. But Non-Trump Supporters ROUTINELY went to Trump Rallies and caused issues there.

Yet it was Trump Supporters being called all sorts of things and talked down about... while it was the Supporters of other Candidates doing all the disrupting, doing the exact things they claimed the Trump Supporters were doing.

It's so hypocritical. And somehow they think Americans are to stupid to notice.

Like when Hillary talks about how Trump treats Women... but she's married to Bill Clinton. Alleged Rapist and Cheater. Now, I LOVE Bill as a President... he did a **** of a job. But how stupid do you look to call out Donald on his 'Character' when you married Bill? I mean Bill and Donald were FRIENDS, Donald was at their freaking WEDDING... Bill and Donald have likely sat at the same bar at the same Golf Course talking about which girls there might like their kitty grabbed.

You can't call out a Womanizer when you are MARRIED to a Womanizer, and think that some how wins you points. And the People saw through that weak ****.

Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By WarEagle
3/06/2017 9:35 pm
Nicko wrote:
Booger926 wrote:
Yes, I do find it interesting that the delay (let's call it what it really was) against the 7 countries were originally named by Obama but it's all Trump's fault.

In my opinion, the Obama administration NEVER had America's best interests in heart while Trump does

So you don't like the "Muslim ban" because it was Obama's idea? Or you like the ban, but don't like Obama because he wasn't looking out for your best interests.... but in this case you feel Obama was looking out for your best interest by creating a travel ban that you support? I'm confused by your point here.

Obama didn't create the ban. The 7 countries that the temporary travel ban (not "Muslim" ban) applied to were on a list of countries that the Obama administration acknowledged, including adding the last 2 countries to the list. This is a list of countries that (a) are known to be hotbeds of terrorism, and (b) do not have the proper infrastructure for us to properly vet the citizens. In short, we can't confirm someone is who they say they are.

The temporary travel ban was put in place to restrict immigration from these countries for 90 days while we figured out a better way to vet the people. It was not in force only for "muslims", but anyone from those countries.

The facts of what the executive order was actually for were rarely reported accurately in the media, and a large amount of people have an opinion on this order that is based on inaccurate information, and also on their desire to disapprove of anything Trump tries to do.

Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By Brrexkl
3/06/2017 9:38 pm
WarEagle wrote:
Nicko wrote:
Booger926 wrote:
Yes, I do find it interesting that the delay (let's call it what it really was) against the 7 countries were originally named by Obama but it's all Trump's fault.

In my opinion, the Obama administration NEVER had America's best interests in heart while Trump does

So you don't like the "Muslim ban" because it was Obama's idea? Or you like the ban, but don't like Obama because he wasn't looking out for your best interests.... but in this case you feel Obama was looking out for your best interest by creating a travel ban that you support? I'm confused by your point here.

Obama didn't create the ban. The 7 countries that the temporary travel ban (not "Muslim" ban) applied to were on a list of countries that the Obama administration acknowledged, including adding the last 2 countries to the list. This is a list of countries that (a) are known to be hotbeds of terrorism, and (b) do not have the proper infrastructure for us to properly vet the citizens. In short, we can't confirm someone is who they say they are.

The temporary travel ban was put in place to restrict immigration from these countries for 90 days while we figured out a better way to vet the people. It was not in force only for "muslims", but anyone from those countries.

The facts of what the executive order was actually for were rarely reported accurately in the media, and a large amount of people have an opinion on this order that is based on inaccurate information, and also on their desire to disapprove of anything Trump tries to do.

That's my point. All but 2 of these were in play before either Trump or Obama. Obama added 2. Trump added 0, he's just following through on it.

Yet some how, no one hating on Obama for adding 2 of them, and no one hating on previous administrations for the others... nope, it's all "Trump's Fault".

Trump did not do a single thing to this list at all... he's just seeing it put in effect. This list has been around for multiple Presidents, and Obama amended it by expanding it by an additional 2 Countries.

But it's TRUMP that's the Muslim Hating Racist... everyone else gets a free pass.

That's the hypocrisy I speak of. This thing has been alive for 20 Years now, and in the last 8 Obama added to it... and some how it's Evil Trump at work.

Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By Nicko
3/06/2017 9:56 pm
WarEagle wrote:
Nicko wrote:
Donald J. Trump calling for a complete shutdown of Muslims entering the country. second youtube vid)

Again, that was candidate Trump, not President Trump.

Also, were you aware that the 7 countries were not chosen by the current administration? 5 have been on the list for a good while. The other two were added by Obama.

Also, the travel ban was not against Muslims, but anyone from those 7 countries.

No one here had mentioned Obama, but I would disagree with him the same way I disagree with the current administration. I'm not "anti-Trump", "anti-Republican", or "pro-Democrat". I am pro-America. I see both parties as private entities leaching off our nation. Each party has the parties best interest in mind and little else. Sure we could debate which party has slightly better policies, but really we'd just be "fighting over the crumbs that fall on the floor". I'd rather fight for a place at the table.

Both parties have demonstrated that they are not working for us, instead they are our "working us". If they can convince you the other "team" is worse, you'll be willing to overlook all the flaws in "your team". They try to play off our sentiments and ideals by publicly focusing on small and trivial issues, while behind the scenes the people are robbed blind.

You want some real reform for the major problems facing the country? Ok, but instead let's talk about gay marriage, abortion, *** scandals, immigrants, birth certificates, e-mail servers, Muslims, Mexicans, transsexuals, racism, class warfare, Tom Brady, "Black lives matter", white supremacists, vegans, social justice warriors, pardoning turkeys, birth control, walls, marijuana, or fake news. Pay no attention to massive economic and environmental problems that will impact us all for years and years to come.

I say we stop giving politicians (and the "paid protesters" we see on TV called "pundits") the ability to point the finger somewhere else. I don't care what the other "terrible" party did... I care what you did! I want our leaders accountable at all times.

Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By Nicko
3/06/2017 10:06 pm
Brrexkl wrote:
What he is saying is that Trump is being attacked for this Travel deal.

But he's being attacked by Obama/Hillary Supporters who were the ones who actually initiated the deal.

It's hypocritical. Had Obama/Hillary finished this idea... would these same people be attacking them?

Because it's Trump, he's being hit on this. The exact people hitting him wouldn't have even have swung at Obama/Hillary for finishing this. That's the point.

Sort of like Hillary saying "If I won and you didn't concede, that would be an assault on Democracy" and then her supporters cheering that. Then Trump Won, and while Hillary DID concede, her Supporters were #NotMyPresident and rioting in the streets... conducting an, from Hillary's own words, 'assault on Democracy'.

These things don't go unnoticed.

Sort of like Trump Supporters being called loud and violent. How many Rallies of other Candidates did Trump Supporters go to and cause issues? None. You can't show me a single one. But Non-Trump Supporters ROUTINELY went to Trump Rallies and caused issues there.

Yet it was Trump Supporters being called all sorts of things and talked down about... while it was the Supporters of other Candidates doing all the disrupting, doing the exact things they claimed the Trump Supporters were doing.

It's so hypocritical. And somehow they think Americans are to stupid to notice.

Like when Hillary talks about how Trump treats Women... but she's married to Bill Clinton. Alleged Rapist and Cheater. Now, I LOVE Bill as a President... he did a **** of a job. But how stupid do you look to call out Donald on his 'Character' when you married Bill? I mean Bill and Donald were FRIENDS, Donald was at their freaking WEDDING... Bill and Donald have likely sat at the same bar at the same Golf Course talking about which girls there might like their kitty grabbed.

You can't call out a Womanizer when you are MARRIED to a Womanizer, and think that some how wins you points. And the People saw through that weak ****.

I see both sides being attacked regularly. Liberals are attacked along with conservatives. I see hypocrisy on both sides. Both parties and their followers ignore when their "team" does the same "bad" thing the other party did. If you only see these hypocrisies on one side, then I would say this is either the media you consume or cognitive dissonance.

Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By Booger926
3/06/2017 10:26 pm
Trump's main problem is that he isn't a politician, but a business man without any political ties to anyone except to the American people. He owes no favors and just have to show he kept his promises
Washington hates that.

Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By Brrexkl
3/06/2017 10:27 pm
Nicko wrote:
Brrexkl wrote:
What he is saying is that Trump is being attacked for this Travel deal.

But he's being attacked by Obama/Hillary Supporters who were the ones who actually initiated the deal.

It's hypocritical. Had Obama/Hillary finished this idea... would these same people be attacking them?

Because it's Trump, he's being hit on this. The exact people hitting him wouldn't have even have swung at Obama/Hillary for finishing this. That's the point.

Sort of like Hillary saying "If I won and you didn't concede, that would be an assault on Democracy" and then her supporters cheering that. Then Trump Won, and while Hillary DID concede, her Supporters were #NotMyPresident and rioting in the streets... conducting an, from Hillary's own words, 'assault on Democracy'.

These things don't go unnoticed.

Sort of like Trump Supporters being called loud and violent. How many Rallies of other Candidates did Trump Supporters go to and cause issues? None. You can't show me a single one. But Non-Trump Supporters ROUTINELY went to Trump Rallies and caused issues there.

Yet it was Trump Supporters being called all sorts of things and talked down about... while it was the Supporters of other Candidates doing all the disrupting, doing the exact things they claimed the Trump Supporters were doing.

It's so hypocritical. And somehow they think Americans are to stupid to notice.

Like when Hillary talks about how Trump treats Women... but she's married to Bill Clinton. Alleged Rapist and Cheater. Now, I LOVE Bill as a President... he did a **** of a job. But how stupid do you look to call out Donald on his 'Character' when you married Bill? I mean Bill and Donald were FRIENDS, Donald was at their freaking WEDDING... Bill and Donald have likely sat at the same bar at the same Golf Course talking about which girls there might like their kitty grabbed.

You can't call out a Womanizer when you are MARRIED to a Womanizer, and think that some how wins you points. And the People saw through that weak ****.

I see both sides being attacked regularly. Liberals are attacked along with conservatives. I see hypocrisy on both sides. Both parties and their followers ignore when their "team" does the same "bad" thing the other party did. If you only see these hypocrisies on one side, then I would say this is either the media you consume or cognitive dissonance.

Here is where I think you miss the points. Republicans are indeed corrupt. Democrats are indeed corrupt.

Trump is neither. He merely chose a party to run for because he knew a 3rd Party has Zero Chance. He picked the Republicans, because he felt Hillary would Win their seat... and he could beat her. It would have been much tougher for him to run as a Democrat, and then beat some one like Rubio head to head... because Rubio could play the Minority Card, which is who the Dems are perceived to cater to. But beating Rubio with 10 other Candidates was much easier. He picked the Republicans because he could beat them early, and beat Hillary late. Had the Dems not screwed Bernie, Donald likely wouldn't be in the White House right now.

So the entire reason the People put Donald in, is EXACTLY what you are talking about. To kick the corrupt out. To retake our Government. To have our voice heard. Even if Donald sucks, we put Washington on NOTICE. We told them 'we are willing to put any idiot in there just to get YOU GUYS OUT'. So now they have to make a Survival Decision. Call our bluff... no way if Trump fails we'd do this again, we HAVE to go back to the old Status Quo, right? But if they are wrong... they get the axe anyways and we put Chevy Chase in Office. OR they have to change, adapt... so we don't eliminate them in the next Elections.

Trump is a symbol... and he might not even know this... of the PEOPLE saying we are fed up with Politics As Usual. Electing Trump IS our Protest.

The sad truth is, Electing Trump had almost nothing to do with Trump. It had everything to do with sending a message to the Establishment.

So don't think of Trump as a Republican... he's not. In fact, he's been at odds with them even more than he has with the Democrats. They may even hate Trump more than the Dems do.