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Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By Nicko
3/06/2017 10:58 pm
Brrexkl wrote:

Here is where I think you miss the points. Republicans are indeed corrupt. Democrats are indeed corrupt.

Trump is neither. He merely chose a party to run for because he knew a 3rd Party has Zero Chance. He picked the Republicans, because he felt Hillary would Win their seat... and he could beat her. It would have been much tougher for him to run as a Democrat, and then beat some one like Rubio head to head... because Rubio could play the Minority Card, which is who the Dems are perceived to cater to. But beating Rubio with 10 other Candidates was much easier. He picked the Republicans because he could beat them early, and beat Hillary late. Had the Dems not screwed Bernie, Donald likely wouldn't be in the White House right now.

So the entire reason the People put Donald in, is EXACTLY what you are talking about. To kick the corrupt out. To retake our Government. To have our voice heard. Even if Donald sucks, we put Washington on NOTICE. We told them 'we are willing to put any idiot in there just to get YOU GUYS OUT'. So now they have to make a Survival Decision. Call our bluff... no way if Trump fails we'd do this again, we HAVE to go back to the old Status Quo, right? But if they are wrong... they get the axe anyways and we put Chevy Chase in Office. OR they have to change, adapt... so we don't eliminate them in the next Elections.

Trump is a symbol... and he might not even know this... of the PEOPLE saying we are fed up with Politics As Usual. Electing Trump IS our Protest.

The sad truth is, Electing Trump had almost nothing to do with Trump. It had everything to do with sending a message to the Establishment.

So don't think of Trump as a Republican... he's not. In fact, he's been at odds with them even more than he has with the Democrats. They may even hate Trump more than the Dems do.

I agree with almost everything you wrote here. I saw the same thing on election day, people willing to vote in someone unqualified for the job, just because they hate the status quo that much. I hated Clinton myself. She exemplifies some of the worst characteristics of America.

In my opinion Trump is no better than Clinton (not that it matters). He is equally(if not more) corrupt as far as I can tell. Also, I've seen a relatively united republican party since the election. If he wasn't on their "team" the republicans wouldn't support him(and look the other way) at all. If he was really working for the people, his administration would not only "look" much different, but his executive orders would benefit the average American more than his campaign donors. My main point is just because someone may have supported Trump in the election, doesn't mean they should ignore what he does/says now. He should be given the same scrutiny as any other president. Though, I must admit, I wish our politicians were put under much more "relevant" scrutiny than they have been in the past.

Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By Gustoon
3/13/2017 11:39 am
Trump hasn't just shot himself in the foot, he's blown it off with these 'phone tap' allegations. LOVE It! No evidence, just a man trying to deflect his and his parties short comings.

Fake news indeed.

Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By WarEagle
3/13/2017 1:06 pm
Gustoon wrote:
Trump hasn't just shot himself in the foot, he's blown it off with these 'phone tap' allegations. LOVE It! No evidence, just a man trying to deflect his and his parties short comings.

Fake news indeed.

He's made a lot of ill advised tweets. For this one in particular, he shouldn't have said "Obama" and instead said "the Obama administration".

It's funny how the same people who were saying this happened before the inauguration are now saying it didn't.

Regardless if it did or did not happen, I wish he would have NOT sent the tweet.

If it did happen, it should only have been made public if there was proof and they were actually going to do something about it.

I wish he would just stick to his agenda and turn over his twitter account to someone else to manage.

Re: Donald Trumps state of the union address

By Brrexkl
3/14/2017 7:41 am
A lot of Presidents have Wire Tapped. Most have the blessing of the CIA... well, the CIA does it for them because they are working with them. Others, well, clash with the CIA. The one's that clash, like Nixon, get burned. The others, get covered.

We'll see if any of this is true or not. But I would not in the slightest put it past a Sitting President to have had Wire Taps in effect.